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Brochures, Blogs & National Treasures

Like you, we enjoyed the British summer. Last Wednesday lunchtime it was. Which explains why we now have a steak tartare where our face used to be. That’ll teach us for staring at that strange orange ball outside our cool new offices. Which, incidentally, are now just a 5 minute stroll from the station with Brighton’s main Post Office sorting depot directly behind us. So we spend most lunchtimes dodging the swarms of Post Office vans that hurtle through the nearby streets. Which got us thinking. When was the last time you ever saw a Post Office van being driven at less than breakneck speed? And yet, the post still always arrives late. Ah, such are the vagaries of modern British life. Anyway, enough pondering. Below is a quick peek at what we’ve been busy doing when we should have been applying sun cream during those lazy, hazy, nanoseconds of summer…

Strategic thinking for Blum

We’re really excited to be working with Blum’ our latest new client. They’re global market leaders in the design and manufacture of quality kitchen fittings. They’re ingenious boffins and their products are what make kitchens work – beautifully. Believe us, you will never look at a kitchen in the same light after seeing the science and innovative thinking that Blum put in.

We want the UK to know how brilliant their products are. So we’ve developed and produced a detailed strategic campaign for Blum that includes blog creation, social media, online and offline communications. To kick things off, we’ve created a blog entitled that’s already become a must visit for anyone planning a kitchen. In short, it’s the definitive source for kitchen design, planning and innovation. And there’s more to follow.

School travel brochures and direct mail

We’ve just designed and produced a range of brochures and direct mail for Equity Travel, the specialist travel experts for schools, colleges and higher education students.

The creative is built around the line; ‘Different Class’ and involved us organising a complex photoshoot with models to create Equity’s very own image library covering diverse subjects such as art and design, film and media, geography, languages, history, music, travel and tourism.